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28 Weeks!

THIRD TRIMESTER!!!!! I’m actually not certain when the first trimester starts. I’ve seen online anywhere between 26-28 weeks. But we’re at 28 weeks today and I can confidently say we made it to the third trimester!!!! Woah! How freaking crazy/amazing/exciting/wonderful/huge!!!!! I keep talking about milestones, and celebrate each one, and 28 weeks is a pretty huge one! (But our goal is still 40 weeks, so get comfortable in there baby) Once we hit the 2/3rds point about a week ago, I was hit with the ginormous to-do list reality. During the 1st and second trimester, whenever I tried to do something, it was usually “too early” but now the 3rd trimester is here and suddenly I’m late!! We knew we wanted to do the Bradley Method classes, but was supposed to start those between weeks 22 and 26 and now there are no classes starting for a month anyways. Oops. We just joined a class late that already started and will pay for private classes to make up the ones we missed, so hopefull

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